About the Project

The David Letterman Learning Experience

In 2015, David Letterman shared about 1,000 pieces of memorabilia from his life and career with Ball State. The David Letterman Learning Experience (DLLE) was developed as an ongoing immersive learning project that leverages the rich storytelling potential of the Letterman Collection. The DLLE is an interdisciplinary, project-based learning opportunity that places students at the center of the intersections between storytelling, technology, and art. The experience seeks to inspire the Ball State community to think creatively, take chances, laugh in the face of failure, and smile in the light of success. Each year, a team of students develops interactive, immersive experiences from the stories found in the Letterman Collection.

The 2022-2023 team is made up of eight students in the Emerging Media Design and Development master’s program. This team’s goal is to create experiences which would highlight the connectivity of the Ball State community. Through the stories you and others have shared, this experience shows the ways in which we are all the same. With an interactive touchscreen wall located on Ball State’s campus and a website available worldwide, we can connect with Cardinals past, present, and future.